Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Book of Job Part 1 & other stories in the old testament

The Book of Job includes a man who was fearful of God and his actions, he didn't have that much respect for God. However, that is changed when God has Satan test Job with many different challenges that causes him to suffer. The Book of Job Part 1 can be compared to other stories we have explored in class in the Old Testament in multiple ways. For example, it shows similarities to Abraham and Isac. This is because in both stories God tests Abraham and Job in a harsh manner, just to prove to himself that he loved. He shows that he is very insecure and doesn't necessarily care how bad Abraham or Job would suffer. The Book of Job Part 1 is also similar to the Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh and Job are both described as perfect, they both rarely had to face suffrage in their everyday lives. That is until each of them is put through states of suffering by God. Gilgamesh suffers from loneliness and emptiness after his companion Enkidu is killed. Job suffers from pain and insecurity, and begins to question why he didn't die at birth. This story can also be compared to other stories in the Old Testament, regarding differences. When I read this I realized that Job was one of the first people in these stories that didn't always fully look up to God as such an amazing, superior, wonderful, powerful figure. Job feared him and wasn't too fond of his actions, so he complained.

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